Rajat Arya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think this might be the compromise people were looking for - less on the
> main page, but enough - and only a _few_ additional pages to maintain.  I'm
> not a huge fan of the menu thing now (almost 80 chars in lynx) but such is
> life.
> http://speed.seas.upenn.edu/~rarya/bb2/

I like it a *lot*.  Very nice!

Looking at the code, I do have a few suggestions/questions:

You do use stylesheets, but then you specify body-attributes in the
body-tag.  Also, you use deprecated font-tags - I'd suggest using
stylesheets for this alltogether.  In addition, your "head" contains a
style-declaration, then ends, then there's another style declaration and
the body starts. Huh?

Some of the links to the current directory are ="./foo.html", others are
="bar.html".  I suggest making up your mind for one or the other and not
use two different styles.

There are a bunch of <p></p> instances.  If memory serves me correctly,
this is not the proper way to create whitespace.  There should be some
stylesheet-way (something like "margin") to create space around a

FWIW, maybe you want to take a look at
http://www.netmeister.org/misc/guidelines.txt - it contains some general
guidelines for HTML-work, which I (and others) have found useful.

Just for ultiamte redundancy, you might wanna run "tidy -imnuc" over the

Again, I love the look (in links).



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