> Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2002 23:31:50 -0500
> From: Thread <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Blackbox Web Design
> Man, some browsers just suck. The design rendered beautifully in the
> brosers I developed it with, but ie, and apparently others, choked on it
> as some folks reported it not being variable width. It was, in fact,
> designed to be variable width.
> Should be all good now, though.
> http://www.threadbox.net/blackbox
> Thanks
> -Thread

    This doesn't look very well IMO. In a 80x24 term the page is divided
    into three equal-width cols, middle one running much longer than the
    other two, of course. It's ridiculous amount of wasted space, not to
    mention that it's not comfortable to read.
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