> Subject: OT: Quirky problems on a laptop
> From: "Jamin W. Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 16 Jan 2002 12:26:18 -0600
> My wife has a laptop that does some very strange things.  From time to
> time, certain programs will refuse to start.  However, in many cases a
> reboot will correct one or more of the applications.
> Most frequently, Evolution and GKrellM fail to start with a
> "Segmentation fault".  In some cases Blackbox fails to start (not sure
> error), but this is normally corrected by a restart.
    Anything suspicious in dmesg? What does df say about free space?
    I've seen various apps do various (nasty) things when the space on
    /var got all used... Stuff like this is usual suspects, but you
    haven't mentioned what you *have* tried to identify the problem,

> Anyone got any ideas, or places/lists for more information on how to
> look into something like this?  System information included below.

    Well, surely looks like a HW-related prob, doesn't it? You could try
    http://www.memtest86.com/, I've seen it touted on freebsd-questions@
    more than once.
> PCG-SR7K (http://www.ita.sel.sony.com/products/pc/notebook/pcgsr7k.html)
> RH 7.2
> Blackbox 0.61.1
> Evolution 1.0.1
> GKrellM 1.2.2

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