On Wednesday 06 February 2002 15:39, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> There has been some concerned raised and I want to discuss this on its own
> thread so no one misses it.
> In the upcoming weeks there is going to be a major change in the blackbox
> internals.  Part of this is to remove the home brew linked list code and
> use the STL.  Part of this is to allow for support of the NET WM spec
> (compliance with KDE and eventually GNOME).  Part of the effort is simply
> refactoring which happens to code every now and then as part of its life
> cycle.

I am assuming you have done some serious investigation into using the STL 
containers in Blackbox.

I am quite unfamiliar with the BB code base, but I have a great deal of 
experience using the STL.  My development experience has brought me to some 

The STL is slow.  In all of my development experience, when speed and 
efficiency are heavy requirements, the STL is most like not the best 
implementation of a solution.  Since speed is a major drawing point to 
blackbox users, how will a new implementation under the STL containers affect 

The STL is very bloated.  No denying that.  Since another drawing point to 
Blackbox is the small size, how will a new implementation with the STL affect 
that too?

I know in my past experiences, that coding a solution where I based the 
design on the STL originally, ended up being scraped and a "home brewed" 
solution was created.  In fact, it is mostly a linked list implementation(s) 
when speed is vital that I discovered this.

Vectors are great containers, and easy to use when you just need a container, 
and don't care how slow things are (ie GUI).  Maps are horendously slow in 
any case.  Deques, and Queues fall in between somewhere IIRC.  Maybe some 
more details on the specifics of the changes could be good.  From the code I 
looked at it seems to only use lists?  Which would be converted to vectors 

I'm not throwing the sword down and saying  _Don't_  by any means.  I am just 
concerned to a major switch like this.  I would fear that using the STL 
containers could possibly be a detriment.

> This is one of those times in programming where everything stops because
> one change breaks everything.  The classes in blackbox are tightly
> interwoven and a seemingly small change causes havoc everywhere.  Also some
> of the actions the net wm spec desires are not easily performed with the
> current code.  An example of this is the _NET_CLIENT_LIST.  blackbox is
> expected to return a list of every open window it manages.  The only way to
> implement this currently is to loop over each workspace requesting its
> internal window list and make one long list.  Then we convert this list to
> the format the message must be sent back in.  Rather than write more list
> code I would like to use standard C++ style container classes.  More C++
> people understand them which will allow for more people to hack on
> blackbox.

Maybe I am missing something in the code I looked at, but as for the 
_NET_CLIENT_LIST.  When a new window is created it is added into the 
workspace window list.  Why not maintain a list of window pointers in the 
BlackBox class, and add the same pointer to that list as well.  It is just a 
list of pointers right?  It's small, maintains the speed, and no more code 
for a list.  Am I missing something.

For that matter, if Blackbox itself needs to know all of the windows it 
manages, shouldn't it keep the "master" list of windows so to speak, and then 
each workspace keeps track of which windows from the master it has?

Maybe some redesign of the classes / interaction is more in order than 
re-doing the implementation.  (No offense to the original designers and 
implementors)  :-)

As for a better understanding.  Some will argue the point of STL/no STL.  I 
personally feel if you can not figure out the LinkedList class from looking 
at the header file, you have no business being in the code anyways.  It is a 
common, and straight forward class.  I must say the BlackBox code in whole is 
very, very nice. Period.  

If you are not at a level where you can gain from reading the code base 
already there, then which implementation used will be of no benefit either 
way to you.

I do not mean for this message to come off as anti-*,  it is just my 
ponderances on a few things.  That's all.


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