> It occured for me after a few days of using 0.62.0.  The problem with this 
> 'bug' is that it seems almost completely random, and it /very/ difficult 
> to reproduce consistently, but I have had it happen to me at least >10 
> times.
> I am sorry this cannot be of any more use.
> If it does help, I use sloppy focus with autoraise, and the 'focus last 
> window on workspace' feature enabled.  The crash results in a sig 11 every 
> time, and occurs irrespective of whether I use bbkeys or bbpager to change 
> the workspaces.
> The applications I would normally have running are xterms, xchat, mozilla, 
> gqview, gnomeicu, gimp, and that is about it.

I was unable to find a reported bug on the sf.net Tracker for this.  Could one
of you submit it with more detail?  "blackbox crashes when I ......".

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