On Sun, Feb17,02 00:17, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 16-Feb-2002 Derek Cunningham wrote:
> > Shaleh,
> > 
> > Is it possible to have blackbox recognize the ~ in it's .blackboxrc file? I
> > know at least a few people encounter this problem when using blackbox, and
> > IMHO, it just makes SENSE to have it understand ~.
> > 
> It should.  There is code in there to handle turning ~ into HOME.  This is the
> main issue with supporting ~/ -- there is no OS or library support, you have
> to code it yourself.
> Where specifically are you having problems with ~/ support?

ya go me... I read a post on another mailing list (a LUG) where a person was
having a problem with the whol ~ thing... and just assumed it was still
broken. In retrospec, they were using 61.1, and I hadn't updated my
.blackboxrc file. *shrug* sorry...

HOWEVER... there IS one bug that I KNOW is still a bug, and that's the
resize code. Now, I'm fairly certain the resize code is in Screen.cc, or
whichever file it is that you feel is a mammoth headache to change, so I
suspect that is the reason you haven't fixed things yet but none-the-less,
here goes:

Basically, when you resize things, it locks up all display activity. It
really sucks when watching movies.

Finally, would it be possible in the future to have an opaque resize option? 

Thanks Sean/Shaleh for updating a fine product! :)


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have exhausted the
alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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