> It adds a resource to your .blackboxrc like so:
> session.titlebarLayout: LIMC
> where:  L == window label
>         I == iconify button
>         M == maximize button
>         C == close button
> If you don't have it already there, it defaults it to the standard blackbox
> arrangement (that being 'ILMC') and adds it for you.  If you want to leave
> a button out, you can edit .blackboxrc yourself and do so. ^_^

Here are my thoughts on this.

The toolbar buttons serve not only as decor and function but also give clues to
the window's type.  A dialog box (transient window in X speak) does not get
full window dressing.  If the user asks for say, only the close button how do
they get this information? (Yes, the label is mandatory).

I like the idea of giving people the ability to move the buttons around.  My
concern is that allowing them to also remove buttons could cost the user
some feedback.

I need to read the patch again.  Last time I looked it did very little sanity
checking.  That was my other concern.

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