On Tue, 2 Apr 2002, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

> If anyone with some hacking skill uses them (these seem to be opposite
> attributes) please help me out.

Ok, got the message, it might take a while though, I never wrote window
managing code.

> The problem is each item owns its menu.  So to click somewhere else to close
> them I have to cycle through everyone ask "do you have a menu open, if so please
> close it".

You could to a mouse grab (get ALL the mouse events) with the menu. Then,
when a click happens and the menu is still up, you close it. At least,
thats how I would do it. (maybe I better check this out:)

And you would only have to let the event propagate itself (not block it at
the grab). That way, applications would get the click that closed the

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