On Wed, Apr 03, 2002 at 03:14:35PM -0500, Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> Okay, okay, so I'm not a _real_ *nix user, because I'm heavily mouse 
> dependent... I'll admit it. However, I find I'm much more productive with it, 
> and with a GUI, than without -- and if that weren't the case, what the heck 
> would I be doing using blackbox in the first place? :-)
> So, my question: When I used to use E, I enjoyed both the ability to drag 
> windows between desktops AND the ability to scroll between workspaces using 
> the wheelmouse. Admittedly, the desktop/workspace concept in blackbox is very 
> different, but I _would_ like to be able to scroll between workspaces using 
> the wheel on my mouse (and/or drag windows between them).
> I saw several patches on the bbtools site for such functionalities, but they 
> were for a previous version of blackbox, and I don't know if they'll work 
> with 0.62.1. 
> (For that matter, the bbtools site (bbtools.thelinuxcommunity.org) and the 
> blackbox community site (blackbox.thelinuxcommunity.org) are hopelessly 
> out-of-date -- does anybody have plans to update them?)
> Are there patches for the current version? are these functionalities that 
> will be rolled into the main branch?

That patch, among others (all against blackbox *0.62.1*) can be found at
http://www.orodu.net/~xor/bb/ at the moment.

I intend to do something more that this in the near future, as the
stable version of blackbox is typically being neglected, and the current
patch sites are horribly out of date.

I may release a blackbox-0.62.1-fix series and a blackbox-0.62.1-x
series for bugfixes against the current _stable_ version of blackbox,
and for feature patches against it as well (since patches can conflict
with eachother, and this way only one person has to spend the time
sorting this stuff out).

We shall see what the future holds for blackbox as yet.

* NOTE! *
It should be noted that the Xft patch on that site *does not work yet*.
If anyone can make it go, please do! If not, don't bother downloading it

Also.. please do not be sending me emails asking what all these patches do.
If you cannot read it and see, then try it out, or just don't worry
about it yet, or ask someone who can read the patch and see. An HTML
page of some sort may need to be constructed. Or perhaps these will all
just go into blackbox.thelinuxcommunity.org, though that site seems to
be a ghost town of late. Everything is in the air still.

Further Note!
I think a lot of people loved MrFab's titlebar button-rearranging patch
for blackbox-0.61.1. I've ported this patch to 0.62.1, it is on the
above url (http://www.orodu.net/~xor/bb/custom_titlebar.patch).
Props to MrFab for the great idea and the previous work.

I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.

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