On Mon, Apr15,02 23:38, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 16-Apr-2002 Neverness wrote:
> > FWIW, I thought that maybe an alternative to "slit" could be "pocket". Even
> > non-english speakers could recogbnise that you can put apps into your pocket.
> > 
> > The moving of apps within the slit|pocket|whatever would be handy with the
> > alt+mouse. I can see why someone would want the menu "move up|down", if they
> > don't use the keyboard much. As far as I am concerned, whatever is earier to
> > implement is better.
> > 
> hmmm, pocket.  Haven't heard or considered that one.
> /me writes it on the white board for consideration.

Something else to consider is that when you say Dock, that seems to imply
some sort of dockableness (my word! :)... What I mean is that in WindowMaker
you can place doc apps side by side, whereas in blackbox you can only place
(doc)apps inside the slit.

Pocket? hmm... IMO, the -w flag of most apps gives lots of help... items are
_withdrawn_ into the slit... bearing that in mind though, I still can't
think of a better word, yet.


*shrug* The hole? :) heh... I got better things to do this morning... 


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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