On Fri, May 24, 2002 at 09:31:30 +0000, Martin Egholm Nielsen wrote:
> >>>use bblaunch with the -d option: 
> >>>$ bblaunch -d none aterm -tr +sb  etc.
> >>>not sure where you'd find bblaunch if you don't have it, but I think
> >>>it's floating round somewhere...
> >>there is also bbappconf ....
> > I use a combination of bbappconf, and bblaunch. I find bbappconf a bit
> > better when X is just starting, but use bblaunch for launching apps from the
> > menu.
> Ok, I've looked and looked, bblaunch is no where to be 
> found! :-(
> Can anybody hand me a link?

After poking about a bit I found this:

They worked for me. Gimme a holler if they don't, I can put them up some
other place.

PS! Google is you Friend!

vrak AKA Per-Arne Holtmon Akø
ICQ UIN: 9455554
HP: http://home.online.no/~perarneh/

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