On Sun, May26,02 10:34, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> > 
> > I thought this idea might be useful: some people might use other
> > background managers, or might like to disable rootcommands for security
> > reasons.  Please feel free to either ignore it or make it better, it works
> > for me.
> > 
> we have talked about this in the devel list.  My approach is to make the rc
> file override any setting the a style.  So if you want to have your own bg
> image regardless of the style you are using you could specify the rootCommand
> in the rc and be done with it.  Specifying an empty rootCommand would disable
> it completely.
> This idea still needs some work though.

It'd be REALLY cool if you could specify X rootcommands (X being the number
of virtual desktops you have) and thusly have blackbox load the X commands
(or images) into memory, then switch the desktop background as the user
switches desktops.

But... this is one of those creature-featurism ideas... but I thought I'd
post it anyway.


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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