On Sunday 26 May 2002 8:48 am, Mr.X wrote:
> Well, I wanted a bbtool that showed my uptime, so I made a few changes
> to bbdate and got...(drumroll): BBUPTIME!  It's not much, I dunno if
> anybody else would even want it, but I figured I might as well give it
> a bit of advertising.  If you wanna know what the hell I'm talking
> about, check out the screenshot at this URL:
> http://greenridge.sourceforge.net/crap/bbuptimeshot.jpg

OT, but is that an application launcher in the middle of the Slit, to the 
left of the bbkeys graphic? If so, which one?

> If you actually want to download it (gasp!), then go to this URL:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/greenridge

I like it, though I'd prefer to see the stats from my Freesco router than 
the desktop I'm actually running it on ;) 17 days doesn't exactly look 
very impressive, though it was better before a recent kernel upgrade.

Regards, Martin
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