On Mon, 27 May 2002 08:13:18 +0100
Martin Rowe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Monday 27 May 2002 7:40 am, Martin Egholm Nielsen wrote:
> > Hi Sean,
> > The weird is that the frame is still "active" afterwards -
> > i.e. one can right-click it and pull up the menu, but it
> > just will not close - not even with xkill. And the
> > application is _not_ running anymore according to ps.
> Just run into that with gtop. It only seems to happen if closing with the 
> titlebar X button - choosing File...Exit does the job properly.

I am getting the same behavior with the packet sniffer Ethereal. Quitting
from the menu works fine but the X button leaves the frame.

Joseph Applegate (SB-X)
UIN: 9788597

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