Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
>>>>The more I look at this the more I think it is a color map issue.  What res
>>>>you run in?
>>>color depth: 16
>>1280x960 16 here.  Most odd.  Looking into this some more.
>>When I load bbconf 1.6 up and try to load your style all of the colors show
>>as black.  Same happens when I load the style in blackbox.
> It gets WEIRDER.  The problem is actually this:
> BColor::allocate: color parse error: "#ffffff^M"
> I ran your style through fromdos and it works just fine.  As I was afraid, it
> is way to bright for me though.
> Looks like blackbox should strip the strings and so should bbconf.

I *HATE* windows for that... grrrr.

I uploaded all the styles it from my linux machine, then
downloaded them with windows, edited the comments and
re-uploaded them.

Let me go fix it myself too.

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