On Tue, Jun 04, 2002 at 09:53:34PM -0700, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> > 
> > I use shaded windows as a medium-state between full and iconified windows.  
> > I can still cycle to them, I can _see_ them on the screen, and they can 
> > still accepts keyboard input.  I do not like the new behaviour, as shaded 
> > windows now lose their visual indication of the window's presence.  If one 
> > wants to hide a window completely, shouldn't one jsut iconify it?
> > 
> > The window placement only considers the title bar of the shaded window, so 
> > the difference is only minimal (visually, that is), is it not?
> > 
> My usage pattern is one workspace without about 4 or 5 browsers shaded at
> various web sites.  Due to the window size opening any new window will hit the
> tiled placement code.
> Let's use this for a bit and see what happens.  It is literally one line of
> code, so if the decision is not in favour of it it is easily removed.

Could always add another 9 lines and make it an option in the Window
Placement menu.. :)

"Ignore Sticky Windows" would go well beside "Ignore Full-Maximized

you'll actually have a patch for this coming your way in the next few
days.. =]

I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.

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