k... I'm running it... yes, it does seem snappier... sweeet.

I really do like that ignore-shaded change... makes alot more sense. also
REALLY love the new struct... is there some quick way I could redefine it? I
have bbpager down in the bottom right, and I'd absolutely love it if
'maximize' didn't cover bbpager. I know that after things are finalized,
bbpager will be able to say "don't cover me" but for now, just being able to
specify with hard integers where I want it to be would be fine.

Thanks Sean and Brad... kickass work. now I guess I'll have to keep up with
the alpha updates. :)


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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