On Thu, Jun06,02 07:57, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> > 
> > Hmm... since I never use H/V Maximization... I didnt' really consider those.
> > To be honest, if the snap-to-edge-while-resizing was implemented... that
> > would solve my problems. :) Otherwise, you could just provide an option 'No
> > Move on Full Maximization?'.
> > 
> yes, this would only affect full max and not partial max.
> Derek, edge snapping works on maximized windows so putting it back in place
> should be really easy now.

hmm... I guess my complaint isn't so much about getting it back to it's
original place... but more about consistency. I really like the ideal of
having fully maximized windows unable to move, but I'll leave that up to you
guys to decide :).

Also... telling me that moving things back is kind of a misnomer... of
course there's always another way to get what you want (a prime example:
I've always wanted maxmization to never cover the slit... since that wasn't
a feature, I just never maxmized my windows. Of course, this is now fixed...
so I'm happier). 


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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