On Sat, Jun08,02 13:32, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Anyone?
> I'm running a transparent aterm window, and want it borderless as well.  I
downloaded bbappconf, edited bbappconf.bb so that class = XTerm, name =
aterm, and decorless = true.  Still no decorless window.  I've tried to make
this happen with xterm as well, to see if it's emulator or wm specific.
Both term windows remain unaffected.  Any suggestions?

Use 'xprop' to confirm that the aterm fields are correct. 

Did you make sure that your aterm config lies with in the
'bbappconf.numberOf.configs' threshold?


!** bbappconf.bb: Style file for bbappconf when using Blackbox **

!Uncomment what you need
!Number of windows to configure
bbappconf.numberOf.configs: 3

bbappconf.1.classHint.class: XTerm
bbappconf.1.classHint.name: login
bbappconf.1.Stick: true
bbappconf.1.decorless: true

! To find classhint use xprop: WM_CLASS(string) = "name", "class"
bbappconf.2.classHint.class: XTerm
bbappconf.2.classHint.name: aterm_ws2
bbappconf.2.decorless: true
bbappconf.2.startOnWorkspace: 2

bbappconf.3.classHint.class: bbappman
bbappconf.3.classHint.name: bbtools
bbappconf.3.startOnWorkspace: 9

aterm options:

#> export ATERM_OPTIONS="-fg white -bg black -fn 6x13 +sb --loginShell \
--transparent -sh 75"
#> export ATERM_WS2="-name aterm_ws2 -title aterm"


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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