On 20-Jun-2002 Georg Nikodym wrote:
> On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 18:30, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
>> On 20-Jun-2002 Georg Nikodym wrote:
>> > On Thu, 2002-06-20 at 18:07, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
>> sticky windows were not meant to be used after being marked sticky.  The
>> expected use was for clocks and the like, not term windows.
> Heh.  Them's fighting words.
> I have a BitchX window that follows me around (1600x1200 display allows
> for such behaviour ;-)
> But if you're going to play this game (that'll only trip up old
> curmudgeonly old bastards like myself) I'd suggest that you have a
> different attribute that implies sticky and never interested in focus
> (though in my mind if a client doesn't want focus, it sets its X event
> mask accordingly)...  though I suspect that, in practice, nobody'll ever
> use it

you misunderstood my statement.  I was explaining the historical reason for why
sticky windows in blackbox are not all that great.  They were basically added
as a way to make a clock sit on all of the workspaces.  Minimal use input
once the item was running.  Neither Brad, Jeff, or now me actually use sticky
windows so there has been no rush to fix them.  Plus fixing them means
rewriting some of the internals of the workspace and window code.

This will change as we move forward.  Those chunks of code are do for a rewrite
and in the process sticky windows will be supported better.  At least that is
the plan.

Number one rule of window managers: a feature the authors do not use is a
feature with more bugs.  Same problem with click to focus.  In general coders
do not use click to focus while many users prefer it.

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