On Thu, Jun 27, 2002 at 09:15:21AM -0400, Chris Grossmann wrote:
> I have some problems with transient windows that I can't
> duplicate in other window managers.  None of them are
> catastrophic, but all are inconvenient.  Of course, the
> problems all originate from one particular piece of
> software.  Therefore, I feel kind of strange about asking BB
> developers to work on the issues..
> My question is this:
> Is the code that handles transient windows pretty static, or
> are there changes going into it?
> If it's being changed anyway, I'll hold out until it's
> "complete" and see if it helps.  If it's static, I should
> probably start doing more research..

That depends on the version of blackbox that you are running, what is
The transients in 0.62.1 could be considered 'unfinished', but a lot of
work has gone into supporting them better in CVS. If you are running the
latest beta, or a version directly from CVS, then the transient code is
thought to be working correctly, and any problem reports would be
appreciated. If you could post any problems in the sf.net tracker, it
would help out (http://sf.net/projects/blackboxwm/).

I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way.

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