OK, here's what I've done:
* Applied verbose patch and enabled debugging in blackbox (perhaps I 
shouldn't  have done that ?)
* Started X with nothing but blackbox (Directed output from blackbox to 
file (both STDERR and OUT))
* Opened an aterm
* Launched JBuilder (with personal settings file deleted => default 
vendor setup)
* Exit X windows (from blackbox menu)

The dialog was oversized and also (strangely) refused to be manually 
resized back to normal/minimally wrapped size. I stress again that this 
was with default jbuilder setup. (JBuilder did not have any chance to 
save previous settings, since I renamed the config file) I confirm that 
the settings were reset.

The resulting output from blackbox is attached to this email.


Attachment: bboutput.gz
Description: application/gzip

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