On Thu, Jul11,02 22:49, Jason 'vanRijn' Kasper wrote:
> > PS: I had thought you meant the stupid little list that pops up WHILE
> > cycling windows. :)
> Heh.  Careful, matey.  xOr's the one who helped me put that "stupid
> little list" in.  =:)  I happen to love it.  *shrug*  One man's stupid
> is another man's most favoritest new toy.  

Yeah... I had _no idea_ who's feet I was going to step on with that comment,
but I suspected that like all criticism (even harsh words like mine) it
would be accepted, and discarded, gracefully. And hey, there's some features
I just don't get (horizontal maximize??), yet others love them, and thusly
the list thingy is cool, but not my cup of tea (time for me to start yelling
feeping creaturism!!) and I'll live. :)


PS: Since it doesn't get in my way... I for some reason have the list thingy
enabled. heh... I believe I turned it on to check it out, but never bothered
to turn it off. *shrug*

Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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