On Fri, Jul12,02 16:10, Marco Fioretti wrote:
> > Well... you COULD try to press ALT+F(2-6) to see if they've configured GDM
> > to run on all the terminals (Since this tends to be quite tricky, there's
> > high probability that they haven't), in which circumstance you should just
> > be able to login via text console, then run startx as per normal.
> >
> Yes, I know, and other consoles *are* in text mode, but won't that mean
> that there will be 1 GNOME and TWO X servers running? I'm not that full
> of RAM...
>          Marco

yeah... basically... but hey, it gives you the ability to run what you
like... so the RAM usage is a small price to pay. Also bear in mind that yes
there are two X sessions running... but on the first X session, there isn't
a whole lot there (gdm CAN'T take up THAT much RAM).

Also... if you don't want to use their version of blackbox... compile a new
version, then run the binary (you can run ./configure and make without being
root... you just won't do 'make install', which is fine, as blackbox can be
run from any directory).


Derek Cunningham

"Human beings act intelligently only after they have
exhausted the alternatives" -- Abba Eban

Registered Linux User Number 195825

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