Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:

>>>unless you have libqt-mt-devel or whatever your dist calls it the configure
>>>script won't find it.
>>Yep, like I said, I have all the development files installed as well. 
>>(libqt3-devel-3.0.4 package). I also jsut noticed that someone has filed 
>>a bug on the same problem at
>you are missing the point.  libqt3-devel is NOT libqt3-mt-devel.  Their
>configure script expects you to have installed the mt lib and devel.
OK, I see..Hm.. So there should be a package named libqt3-mt-devel 
somewhere, or libqt3-mt ? That's strange, since all my searches result 
in the libqt3 package, which does contain a multithreaded library (I've 
checked), together with a libqt3-devel package(which also contains a 
QThread.h file in the includes-dir, which I assume has something to do 
with the multithreading features?). Searching for libqt-mt-devel gives 
no results on Google/linux, nor Mandrake's website(s).

Perhaps I must go to Trolltech and get their free version and compile 
the whole monster it to make it work ? =)

I find no indication that there is a libqt3-mt-devel rpm package 
anywhere. I might, of course, be totally wrong, but it seems so. Any 
more tips would be greatly appreciated, since I'm a bit confused right 
now and would like to get bbconf up and running.

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