On 18-Jul-2002 Øyvind Stegard wrote:
> Hi again,
> I noticed that Norwegian language support is missing from the Blackbox 
> distribution. Perhaps I could do some translating, since Norwegian is my 
> mother tongue.(If the Blackbox maintainers are interested in this)
> I'm afraid I would need some instructions on how to do it, since I've 
> never translated any typical multilanguage GNU/Linux app before. (But I 
> suspect it simply involves putting in translated strings in some 
> preprocessor macro files or something ?)

It is quite simple.  Copy one of the other nls directories, da_DK is a good
one.  Then look at C/*.m.  This is the master file with the original language
text.  The format is quite simple:

$ #FocusLast
# Focus Window on Workspace Change
$ #DisableBindings
# Disable Bindings with Scroll Lock

lines with a $ at the beggining are tags for the nls parser.  The lines
starting with # are the strings to be translated.

Edit the Makefile.am to reflect your language.  Then cd .. to nls/ and edit
Makefile.am and add your language to the SUBDIRS list.  Then cd .. and edit
configure.in.  Near the bottom at your language to the list (please keep it in
alphabetical order).  Run automake --foreign --include-deps and then run
autoconf.  Everything should be ready for a make && make install.  Then send
the patch to the Patch tracker on sf.net.

It should only take a few hours the work is easy just tedious.

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