On Tue, 2002-07-23 at 12:17, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> On 23-Jul-2002 Matthew Weier O'Phinney wrote:
> > I determined what changes I needed to make -- the beta series wheel
> > mouse patch only applies to switching workspaces, and thus only affected
> > Screen.cc; the original patch I had was from x0r, and also had code for
> > the window shading and thus affected Window.cc. I determined where to
> > insert the code, did so, compiled, and everything works beautifully now.
> > 
> > Since I know others on the list like to use this particular patch, I've
> > now got another question: how do I make the patch? I'm not a C
> > programmer, and I don't normally create or use patches. Do I simply do a
> > diff on my files versus the original source?
> > 
> basically.
> cd blackbox
> make distclean
> cd ..
> cp -a blackbox blackbox-orig
> cd blackbox
> <hack hack hack>
> make distclean
> cd ..
> diff -pruN blackbox-orig blackbox > mystuff.patch
> the -pru option is the format I prefer, other projects may request -prc.
> Once you have your patch go to sf.net and place it on blackbox's patch tracker
> so others can enjoy.

Thanks for the instructions! I've done this, and the patch is now
uploaded to the sf.net patch tracker.


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