Ole Streicher pushed to branch master at Debian Astro Team / debian-astro

b74b93a6 by Ole Streicher at 2018-03-01T21:17:20+01:00
Add pluto-lunar and pluto-jpl-eph to tools and development

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2 changed files:

- tasks/development
- tasks/tools


--- a/tasks/development
+++ b/tasks/development
@@ -84,4 +84,23 @@ Pkg-Description: PostgreSQL extension used for indexing the 
  This extension allows a user to perform fast circular, elliptical or
  polygonal searches on the sky as well as fast cross-matches.
-Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-postgresql/postgresql-q3c.git
\ No newline at end of file
+Vcs-Browser: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-postgresql/postgresql-q3c.git
+Recommends: libpluto-jpl-eph-dev
+WNPP: 891852
+Homepage: https://github.com/bill-gray/jpl_eph
+Pkg-Description: Development files to interact with JPL ephemeres data
+ The position of asteroids and other moving stellar objects on the sky
+ at different time points is described as ephemeris. The Jet
+ Propulsion Laboratory is known for a respective database. 
+ .
+ The package is a build requirement of the pluto-lunar tools.
+Recommends: libpluto-lunar-dev
+WNPP: 891856
+Homepage: http://www.projectpluto.com/source.htm#astrocalc
+Pkg-Description: Development files for astronomical Lunar library
+ This package provides a static library and header files to reuse the
+ routines of the Lunar tools to interpret data on asteroids/comments or
+ prepare the same for submission to the Minor Planet Center.

--- a/tasks/tools
+++ b/tasks/tools
@@ -32,3 +32,22 @@ Pkg-Description: Universal table translator for astronomy
  different formats.  Tablator can read and write tables in fits, ipac
  table, hdf5, votable, json, json5, csv, and tsv, and can write html.
  The emphasis is on speed, so all conversions are done in memory.
+Recommends: pluto-jpl-eph
+WNPP: 891852
+Homepage: https://github.com/bill-gray/jpl_eph
+Pkg-Description: command line handling of JPL ephemeres data
+ The position of asteroids and other moving stellar objects on the sky
+ at different time points is described as ephemeris. The Jet
+ Propulsion Laboratory is known for a respective database. This
+ package offers tools to handle individual data sets.
+Recommends: pluto-lunar
+WNPP: 891856
+Homepage: http://www.projectpluto.com/source.htm#astrocalc
+Pkg-Description: routines for predictions of positions in solar system
+ Basic astronomical functions for solar system ephemerides, time systems,
+ coordinate systems, etc. This includes some utilities based on these
+ functions, such as a calendar computer and a utility to numerically
+ integrate asteroid orbits.

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