On 10/04/2018 06:37 πμ, BLFS Trac via blfs-book wrote:
#10624: rustc-1.25.0
  Reporter:  ken@…        |       Owner:  ken@…
      Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  assigned
  Priority:  normal       |   Milestone:  8.3
Component:  BOOK         |     Version:  SVN
  Severity:  normal       |  Resolution:
  Keywords:               |

Comment (by ken@…):

  Trying a build with system llvm : strangely, the build is no quicker,
  despite not having to compile the local llvm, but the log is a *lot*
  shorter as expected.

  Interestingly, Arch seem to have moved away from using system llvm and are
  still using python2 to build rust. For fedora I can no longer find out how
  they build it (latest binaries for rawhide seem to have been updated
  recently, the previous links to thir srpm are dead and they have several
  pages of cgit matches for rust.

Ticket URL: <http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/ticket/10624#comment:7>
BLFS Trac <http://wiki.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs>
Beyond Linux From Scratch

Did you notice that Arch doesn't run the tests for rust? They do run
the tests on other packages.

On this build they are using system llvm


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