BLFS Package        BLFS Version              Latest      Ticket
chapter 04: libcap              2.45                     2.46         #14378
chapter 04: nss                 3.59                     3.60         #14370
chapter 04: p11-kit             0.23.21                  0.23.22      #14371
chapter 06: vim                 8.2.2070                 8.2.2144     #12241
chapter 09: boost               1_74_0                   1_75_0       #14373
chapter 09: enchant             2.2.13                   2.2.14       #14376
chapter 09: fftw                3.3.8                    3.3.9        #14379
chapter 09: inih-r              52                       0            
chapter 09: js                  78.5.0                   78.6.0       #14385
chapter 10: libjpeg-turbo       2.0.6                    2.0.90       #14310
chapter 11: ImageMagick         7.0.10-27                7.0.10-49    #7859
chapter 13: jdk                 14.0.1+7                 manual       
chapter 13: php                 7.4.13                   8.0.0        #14326
chapter 13: python3             3.9.0                    3.9.1        #14355
chapter 13: rustc               1.47.0                   1.48.0       #9168
chapter 14: wireshark           3.4.0                    3.4.1        #14366
chapter 20: db                  5.3.28                   manual       
chapter 24: libva               2.9.0                    2.10.0       #14374
chapter 24: mesa                20.2.3                   20.3.0       #14339
chapter 25: atkmm               2.28.0                   2.28.1       #14380
chapter 25: cairo               1.17.2+f93fc72c03        1.16.0       #12916
chapter 25: cairomm             1.14.0                   1.16.0       #14172
chapter 25: gtkmm3              3.24.2                   3.24.3       #14381
chapter 25: imlib2              1.7.0                    1.7.1        #14375
chapter 25: pangomm             2.42.1                   2.42.2       #14382
chapter 25: qt-everywhere-src   5.15.2                   6.0.0        #14356
chapter 25: qtwebengine         5.15.2                   manual       
chapter 26: icewm               1.9.2                    2.0.0        #14383
chapter 26: oxygen-icons5       5.73.0                   5.77.0       #14014
chapter 29: extra-cmake-modules 5.73.0                   5.77.0       #14014
chapter 32: kf5                 5.73                     5.77         #14014
chapter 32: kf5-apps            20.08.0                  20.12.0      #13990
chapter 32: plasma5             5.19.4                   5.20.4       #13991
chapter 36: gnome-disk-utility  3.38.0                   3.38.1       #14384
chapter 37: garcon              0.7.0                    0.7.3        #13942
chapter 37: thunar              1.8.16                   4.15.3       #13690
chapter 37: thunar-volman       0.9.5                    4.15.1       #13953
chapter 43: abiword-docs        3.0.2                    manual       
chapter 43: epiphany            3.38.1                   3.38.2       #14328
chapter 43: firefox             78.5.0                   78.6.0       #14386
chapter 43: thunderbird         78.5.0                   78.6.0       #14329
chapter 43: xarchiver             #14377
chapter 43: xscreensaver        5.44                     5.45         #14362
chapter 45: kwave               20.08.0                  20.12.0      #13990
chapter 50: docbook-xsl-nons    1.79.2                   manual       
chapter 50: dvisvgm             2.10.1                   2.11         #14318

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