Em 19-06-2012 23:29, Ken Moffat escreveu:

> On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 06:18:03PM -0700, Fernando de Oliveira wrote:


>> With so many pages, packages, files to deal with, I find it remarkable,
>> having just these small failures!
>  Fair comment, DJ hs done a nice job (again).

BTW, I wanted to use the English equivalent to "esquecimento" (the act
of forgetting), but could not find it, as do not really consider
failures, but "esquecimentos".


>> With much respect, IMHO, as Xorg is not anymore monolithic, i.e., is
>> modular, it would be good keeping doing upgrades, for example, once a
>> month, as several distros do upgrades continuously.


>  Often, newer versions of the interesting things (server, drivers)
> are labelled as development, and might not work with the current
> stable versions - even though they often *do* work.  Why do you
> think that updating the versions as often as once a month would
> be beneficial ?

I'm not sure what periodicity would be better, that's why I used "for

> (Yes, I know they will be newer and shinier, but
> that's not the question).

I agree with this. But also agree with you about "BLFS is bleeding
edge". Or perhaps you would prefer to complement your sentence: "BLFS is
bleeding edge, but for Xorg". :-) Please, do not take this as insult, I
am trying to use good humour, as I much like and praise your comments,
often filled with good humour.

But to keep it technical, until this Xorg release thanks to DJ, we have
been behind the edge in Xorg. This is a fact, if you need, I can produce
some release dates for xorg-server in other distros.

>  And who has the time to do this ?

It takes not longer than gnome or kde, but I agree it takes longer than
firefox, for example.

But it does not take that long. Just replace the packages individually,
as they are released. Just as with other packages. That is the way I do:
I see a new server version is out, so I go to Xorg.org, search which
packages are newer than the installed ones, and replace in the wget and
md5 lists and individual packages. As I did before, I can provide them
to this list.

> *if* you can get out of your
> virtual machines and run BLFS on real hardware, I would be fairly
> happy about suggesting you get privileges.  Meanwhile, there is more
> than enough to do :)
> ĸen

Perhaps you do not know, but not only I *can*, but already have done
that. You can find reference to this fact in the archives.

This is sen rom my hp lfs6.7

Subjacent to your sentence there seems to be an assumption that people
use *FS in VM because they are not capable of doing it in the "real"
machine". I quite think the opposite is true. People not capable of
using VM, goes on with something they find more "real", less abstract.

You also seem to have missed: an editor has already been accepted who
only run VM, at the time.

The last point you missed is that I have already said to Bruce that only
when I feel capable, I will ask "privileges". You can find in the archives.

I am now adding: if I have time and feel capable, I will ask.

I am not angry, like your posts very much, but sometimes, the facts need
to be clarified.


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