The main part of making the from source build of TeX Live use
system libraries is now in place.  I think I've managed to identify
what does and does not get installed in the from-source build.

 The details for the tl-installer are now starting to look messy -
All the information around the installer is about the from-source
recommendations / options / runtime dependencies, with a Note in
the middle of the installer instructions.  Certainly, the binary
install linked to e.g. libGLU and libncurses on my system, but the
from-source build does not.  So saying the same dependencies are
required is misleading.

I want to confirm what is used by the binary on a fresh install, but
that will have to wait until I build a new LFS system (hopefully,
next week, I need to update my scripts).  I already have a list of
what I *think* is used, but a few of those libs might have been
picked up as dependencies of other libs, because of how I installed
them, so an install on a minimal system (no Xorg) is needed.

 I also need to deal with xindy (extra configure switches) and asy
(separate build in a subdirectory of the TeX Live source), and to
try to sort out my current fudge words about the Optional

 What I am minded to do is to split the current Tex Live into
install-tl-unx (the binary installer) and TeX Live (building from
source, after the binaries have been installed).

das eine Mal als Tragödie, dieses Mal als Farce
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