On Sun, Mar 09, 2014 at 09:16:42PM -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Merging is generally not needed by me, but that may be the reason Armin 
> wants to move to git.  I can't remember the last time I needed to do a 
> merge.

 My back story : I used to contribute to CLFS, but I dropped out
when it went to git beccause at that stage i only knew enough to
break things.  Since then, I've moved my own buildscripts to git.
I've broken things a couple of times in my own merges, but now I
feel fairly confident in using it.  For me, git merge --no-ff -m
"some message" lets me put a message in my git log (probably not
relevant ot LFS/BLFS), and when merges fail (e.g. because I put a
fix in my master branch, then later put a better fix in my
development branch), "git status ; git diff file-with-problem"shows
what needs to be fixed.

 The great benefit of git is in branches - in svn, a branch is "cast
in stone" and is a PITA.  In git, branches are just pointers.  If
you want to maintain a stable branch, you can cherry-pick specific
commits from another branch (such as master).  To do that on LFS or
BLFS, I suspect that things might work better if date changes
in general.ent were separated from other changes - I think CLFS has
usually done that.  There have been at least two occasions in the
past when I've thought about branching BLFS, but in svn it didn't
seem worth the pain.

 As has been said, with git you can stash changes, work on fixing
something else, and then go back to them.  That is often a great

 The big benefit of svn is increasing decimal revision numbers.
Mercurial seems to provide that (as well as hashed commit numbers),
but I cannot see any reason to move to mercurial.  When CLFS changed
to git, it appeared that a "gatekeeper" was needed to pull changes,
but freedesktop.org, or at least the xorg parts, appear to have many
people commiting to the master branches.

 I understand why alfs is a good place to try out changes, but it
isn't something I can use (/sources on my development machines is an
nfs mount from my server, I _really_ don't fancy the time it would
take to build there).

 Also, I think Igor has an svn->git feed to github ?  I would
welcome his comments.

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