Recently, Somebody Somewhere wrote these words
> This machine is always on. If it doesn't ping - something else is
> wrong. It pings from here, but without alot of effort, its hard to
> tell whether it's and external or internal ping.

Yep - it was an external network thing. It pinged 5 minutes afterwards.
> I followed your suggestion, and deleted these records one by one and
> retested each time with SA. It wasn't until I ditched the top record -
> where earthlink hands off to bellsouth - that I got a clean score from
> SpamAssasin.
> It took a minute (okay, an hour) to sink in. Not only was the HELO
> request from my system to earthlink goofy, but apparently, so was the
> request from earthlink to bellsouth. That means that every piece of
> mail that I get that makes this exchange, will come back with a
> This explains why, during my own tests, no matter what hostname I
> asked my client to send - it wouldn't work. And it explains why I had
> so much incoming mail flagged by SA. The only mail _not_ flagged, was
> stuff from my earthlink mailbox that didn't come through bellsouth.
> What a mess, huh?
> One more thing. I haven't tested any others, but I'm wondering now
> whether "" or
> "this_computer's_hostname_only" (per Matthew), or even "localhost"
> might work. Bernstein says the HELO parameter should be "a valid
> principal host domain name for the client host" (see
> - this doesn't seem exactly the same as
> fqdn), or a bracketed IP address. But I guess this is more about
> satisfying SpamAssassin than getting our SMTP protocol exactly right.

I get the impression it's that satisfies the
FORGED_RCVD_HELO, but your actual user-whetever-cable-rubbish throws
another rule, HELO_DYNAMIC_HCC
> This has been fun. Thanks to you Declan, I now have almost enough
> information to start my own spam intensive _almost_legitimate_ drug
> company. I knew I was destined for the Big Time :-)
A customer of mine has a firm belief in pain making you wiser.....

        With best Regards,

        Declan Moriarty.
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