Recently, Somebody Somewhere wrote these words
> On Wed, Jun 08, 2005 at 05:02:55PM -0300, Hugo Bernier wrote:
> > 
> > I think that instructions to setup spam filters for a wide variety of
> > programs should exist - and if the developers don't think that they
> > should have their place in the book it should exist as a hint. I
> > cannot imagine a world without spam filters, nor can I imagine an LFS
> > box without them.
> Then hop to it. Instructions don't write themselves. :)

Any of us might do it their way. What you need is a composite hint: You
need an mta, an mda, spam filtering, pop or imap, and an mua, although 
some programs perform more than one function.

I'll gladly contribute what I know about. But I'd much rather see
someone at actually look at their own spam

I have mentioned many times that simply adding to
trusted rulesets in spamassassin solves it.  That's what people are
asking for - a solution. Not another hint.  Because if _we_ have to do
it because the guys at _LFS_ won't get up and do it, they undermine
their own role in showing us the way. I would expect an exemplary mail
service from a teaching exercise like LFS, not a half-assed one.


        With best Regards,

        Declan Moriarty.
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