On 8/31/05, David Ciecierski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hmm, you might be right. The only problem is that I really need to get
> this PC done as soon as possible - my sister has been waiting for it for
>   almost a month now :-)

This isn't really my place to say, but is you're sister going to know
the difference between GNOME 2.10 and 2.12, GTK 2.6 and 2.8 and ATK
1.10?  Furthermore, unless you're going to be there providing constant
support for bugs, why not give her a more stable system to use?  If
you can hold out 6 more days and shove GNOME 2.12 on there, you're
probably going to have to come back a week later, a month later, etc.
because it's not stable and bugs will surely crop up.

Don't mean to be a jerk about that, you can build the system however
you want, but I've been seduced by same pitfalls before.

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