I was working until yesterday with my LFS/BLFS 6.0. I shut down the unit after
a short skipe call and after downloading my e-mail. To my big surprise, this
morning I had only a 640x480 resolution, and no way to increase to the
1024x768 from yesterday. I tryed with XFree86 -configure, and put as only
mode "1024x768" but the system remains unchanged 640x480. OK, I am becoming
older, but for shure I dont need such big letters for now.
Any Ideas what could went wrong ? And most important, how should I proceed ?
Reinstall XFree86 ? May the driver have become mad ?
Help highly appreciated, as I am facing serious problems with this resolution.
Thank you in advance
Dr.-Ing. Edgar Alwers
FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/faq.html
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