On Sun, Sep 04, 2005 at 01:08:51AM +0200, Oneyed wrote:
> Funny.. Exactly the same happened to me two days ago. I my xorg.conf
> (xorg 6.8.2) there were three line:
>  ### Uncomment if you don't want to default to DDC:
>         HorizSync    30.0 - 95.0
>         VertRefresh  50.0 - 160.0
> ..well, and i just uncommented the HorizSync and the VertRefresh - and
> voila, everything was back to normal. Don't know what it was - hardware
> seems to be OK. If I remeber correctly I had this problem on every new
> LFS/BLFS- System i set up.

Well, if DDC suddenly reporting the correct timings, then it is likely a
hardware failure. ISTM that the only thing that could outweigh it being
a hardware failure is if your drivers became corrupt due to filesystem
damage or user error. Again, the OP said nothing changed and it had been


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