Brandin Creech wrote:

> --- Torsten Vollmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ./configure --prefix=/ --mandir=/usr/share/man
>> Why is the prefix set do "/" ? If this is right maybe there should be
>> some explanation and it must be fixed in the ALFS-svn-profile (cc'ed it
>> to alfs-dev) because there it says --prefix=/usr
> If you use autofs, the daemon is probably needed when the system is first
> mounting filesystems. In that case, it would make sense to have it on / to
> allow for /usr to be on an unmounted filesystem.

Right. Should have seen this myself :-( - so it's up to the profilers...
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  • Re: autofs Brandin Creech
    • Re: autofs Torsten Vollmann

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