--- Alessandro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alle 06:09, marted� 20 dicembre 2005, Brandin Creech ha scritto:
> > Hello, BLFSers.
> >
> > I've got
> > MPlayer to play movies on the framebuffer, but one thing that is annoying
> > me about this--the text-mode cursor is still blinking in the bottom left
> of
> > the screen.
> Use
> setterm -cursor [on|off]

Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, after trying this, I realize that the
blinking cursor seems not to be the cause of my problem. 'setterm -cursor
off' definitely disables the cursor (it is no longer visible), but for some
reason, using MPlayer with fbdev still shows a black cursor 'trail'
flickering in the position of the invisible cursor. I'm not sure what's going
on--usually MPlayer outputs a lot of status information which interferes with
the framebuffer video output, but I'm running with with -quiet or
-really-quiet options to MPlayer; I even tried directing everything to
/dev/null, but always the bottom left text cell (where the cursor is
normally) is flickering away with blackness. Not a huge deal, but it's a
blemish on the video that I'd like to remove if possible.

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