Carlos Eduardo de Brito Novaes wrote:

> In my Blfs 6.0 there is a script to update some enviroment viariables,
> like PATH, PKG_CONFIG_PATH and so. This script
> (/etc/profile.d/ search for every directory that
> match /opt/*/bin and /opt/*/lib/pkgconfig. So there is no need to have
> a script for every tree on /opt.
> I really dont know why there is a script since some modification
> can be done to to check if the /usr/X11/ tree exists or
> not. But sometimes I think that having separated scripts would be
> better because I got troubles everytime I need to upgrade kde while
> still running the older version, with separated scripts it used to be
> simple (maybe its me who have not figured it out yet)
I know this script, but for my system, I don't want all the directories
in /opt/*/bin added to the PATH.
For example I've got gcc-3.3.4 installed in /opt/gcc-3.3.4, which I use for
the exceptional case gcc-3.4.3 does not work.

And I've got symlinks in /opt:

I don't want the bindir in /opt/kde-3.5 appear twice in the PATH. Maybe
harmless, but still.


The environment variable QTDIR needs to be set (when building packages that
depend on qt). You have to do this via a dedicated file in 

Stef Bon

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