Hi there everybody, this is my first post on the mailing list so please 
don't kill me if I am doing something against the rules.

Already I have been readed the FAQ and was looking up for some info on 
google but I cannot get any answer for my problem, please if anybody may 
help me.

The fact is that when booting my LFS system all works good, I like it, but 
when is running the script

    /etc/rc.d/rcsysinit/S70console -> ../init.d/console

the prompt flash pointer jumps a few lines before the right position, I mean 
the cursor places where it has not have to place. I think it is related with 
my locale configuration and with the UTF on the console output.

My locale is based on the ISO-8859-1, using Framebuffer and my settings on 
/etc/profile is:

# Begin /etc/profile

export LANG=es_BO.iso88591
export INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc

# End /etc/profile

I tested using the 'en_US' locale for view what happend but it didn't work.

I used the LFS book version 6.2. By the way sorry for my little 'non-rich' 
English :$

Horóscopo, tarot, numerología... Escucha lo que te dicen los astros. 

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