Le Fri, 03 Aug 2007 20:30:33 -0400 Chris Staub <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
écrit :

> If BLFS says /usr, it means /usr. If it says /usr/X11R6, it means 
> /usr/X11R6.

Yes missie.

OK, so there's nothing wrong with what I did. If I said it was urgent, it
is just because I would like to go to bed being sure that I won't have to
start it all again tomorrow. Sorry if it looked "I want it now, guys",
I'm really not that kind of person.

I think I'll have to revise my english, because everytime I try to ask a
question being polite, some guys answer a way that makes me think I was
rude. I don't have this kind of trouble in french.

Anyway, thank you all, guys. And BTW, I built Xorg, not Xfree.



                   Nicolas FRANCOIS
 A TRUE Klingon programmer does NOT comment his code
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