On Thu, 2007-08-23 at 14:02 -0500, Randy McMurchy wrote:
> Lupine wrote:
> > Sorry, I wasn't clear.  I put pango and cairo into /opt/gnome with the
> > rest of the Gnome dependencies because of other issues I was having
> > getting Gnome apps to find the proper Gnome files.  However, I did
> > follow "the exact steps and options as detailed in the BLFS-book".
> I'm sorry, I only see a huge conflict in what you are
> doing, and what you are saying. If I were you, I would
> stay with the book's instructions, and not vary from them,
> as the problems you are experiencing seem to be from not
> following the book.
> You say you need to install Pango and Cairo in /opt/gnome
> because you're having problems getting packages to discover
> them. However, you're having problems with packages discovering
> these libraries doing it your way, so whatever it is you're
> doing isn't working.
> I can only suggest that you follow the book's instructions.
> I'm not trying to be rude, I simply know that following the
> book results in Firefox building with ease and GNOME working
> perfectly installed in /opt/gnome. And how do I know this?
> Because I follow the book and everything works perfectly
> for me.

Ahhh, well I just noticed the book has now been updated to Gnome 2.18.3
Which was my only reason in the past from deviating from it.  Guess I'll
go back over things and follow it to the letter this time to see how
things work out.

Thanks anyways,

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