From: Randy McMurchy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>I'm not sure that anyone can help you here. I can't imagine
>anyone that contributes to BLFS-Support having dial-up capability
>any longer. I know I don't even have an analog line capable of
>doing dial-up, much less a modem.
>I don't know what to do here, so I suppose this is a call for
>advice. If there is nobody who uses, or can support dial-up,
>dial-up support probably should be removed from the book.

Wow! I feel like a dinosaur :-)

However, the problem I'm having is not with dial-up but with SSL so let's make 
this more general. I assume (perhaps incorrectly) that regardless of type of 
connection openssl (or something like it) is required for accessing https. If 
so, perhaps someone out there can tell me what "SSL_has_matching_session_id" 
means. If openssl itself is not widely supported then perhaps someone can tell 
me what is and I will use that instead.

Thanks again,

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