On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:57 AM, akhiezer <lf...@cruziero.com> wrote:
> 20091210083518_-0500: stosss <stosss at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 8:06 AM, akhiezer <lf...@cruziero.com> wrote:
>> >
>> > 20091209233643_MST: stosss <stosss at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>Solved see below
>> >>
>> >>On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:19 AM, stosss <stosss at gmail.com> wrote:
>> >>>> stosss wrote:
>> >>>>>> stosss wrote:
>> >>>>>>> Starting with a base LFS 6.5 system, I have compiled and installed 
>> >>>>>>> GPM
>> >>>>>>>
>> >>>>>>> I have an IntelliMouse Optical USB and PS2 Compatible mouse
>> >        .
>> >        .
>> >>>>>>> MDEVICE="/dev/input/mice" # I also tried /dev/mouse
>> >>>>>>> PROTOCOL="msc" # I also tried ms+
>> >>>>>>> GPMOPTS="" # I am assuming something has to go in here but I don't 
>> >>>>>>> know what.
>> >        .
>> >        .
>> >>>>>>> My current system is just LFS 6.5 with GPM and nothing more.
>> >        .
>> >        .
>> >>>>> checked and /dev/mouse is a link to /dev/input/mice. my mouse is a
>> >>>>> usb. The book said that usb mice should be /dev/input/mice. I have
>> >>>>> tried both MDEVICE="/dev/mouse" and MDEVICE="/dev/input/mice". I have
>> >>>>> tried PROTOCOL="msc" PROTOCOL="ms+" PROTOCOL="imps2" this one should
>> >>>>> be for a PS2 mouse but I have the mouse plugged into a usb port. Yes
>> >>>>> gpm is running. It is the last entry on the screen before the login
>> >>>>> prompt and when I ps-e I see it in the list.
>> >        .
>> >        .
>> >>I had not apparently tried imps2 with /dev/input/mice it seems to make
>> >>a difference if it is done with /dev/mouse which I had also tried. i
>> >>don't understand that either because /dev/mouse is a link to
>> >>/dev/input/mice.
>> >>
>> >>Does anyone know why a ps2 (imps2) mouse setting works with a usb mouse?
>> >>
>> >
>> >
>> > Just to double-check: is the mouse definitely connected to a usb port
>> > on the pc, or does it go via a usb-to-ps2 adapter, into a ps2 port on
>> > the pc?
>> >
>> > I've got what sounds like exactly the same mouse here, on the system
>> > used to build lfs-6.5 plus gpm (& wget, links, and lynx) (per LFS-6.5
>> > section '9.3. Rebooting the System'): the mouse has that same
>> > "IntelliMouse(R) Optical USB and PS/2 Compatible" printed on its
>> > underside; although, of course, it could be pertinently different
>> > hardware 'under the bonnet' to what you've got, given how things can
>> > differ across countries or even across versions within a country.
>> >
>> > The mouse here has a USB connector at the end of its cable, and that
>> > connector plugs into the usb port of a little usb-to-ps2 connector,
>> > which in turn has its (i.e. the adatper's) ps2 port connecting into a
>> > ps2 port on the back of the pc.
>> >
>> > Worked first-time here with config file:
>> > ----
>> > MDEVICE="/dev/mouse"
>> > PROTOCOL="imps2"
>> > GPMOPTS=""
>> > ----
>> mine would not work when I had the above config but it works with the
>> one below even though they both mean the same thing.
>> ----
>> MDEVICE="/dev/input/mice"
>> PROTOCOL="imps2"
>> ----
>> > And /dev/mouse is a symlink to /dev/input/mice ; and the latter looks
>> > ok re perms, ownerships, nodes, &c.
>> >
>> > Just thought it worth a double-check on that connector.
>> I am using the mouse (apparently the same one you have) without the
>> usb/ps2 adaptor. The usb plug is in a usb port. I guess it works with
>> the imps2 protocol because it is a ps2 compatible mouse.
> OK. I don't know enough on the innards of the drivers &c: tho' the likes
> of 'http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/XFree86-Second-Mouse.html'
> (albeit an old ref) indicates that the software supports both sides
> (ps/2 & usb) too. So maybe it's both the hardware and software than can
> take either role (ps/2 or usb).
> But why doesn't '/dev/mouse' work?
> If I use the adapter, then all is ok whether I use '/dev/mouse' or
> '/dev/input/mice'.
> And if I don't use the adapter, thus putting the mouse directly into a
> usb port on back of pc (cold booting in between), then everything still
> works ok whether I use '/dev/mouse' or '/dev/input/mice'.
> Protocol was 'imps2' throughout. And things verified by checking e.g.:
> 'ps auxwww|grep -i gpm' to see what '-m' value it was using; and
> "grep -iE 'mouse|mice|imps|gpm' /var/log/*"; and all looks ok each time.
> What do you get from 'ls -la /dev/mouse'? D'you get (date/time v.likely
> not same):
> lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-12-10 15:12 /dev/mouse -> input/mice
> Does it end with *literally* ' -> input/mice' (without the quotes)?
> And for 'ls -la /dev/input/mice'? D'you get (again, of course,
> date/time v.likely not same):
> crw-r----- 1 root root 13, 63 2009-12-10 15:12 /dev/input/mice
> Unless something unusual in that output, that's about the end of my
> in-head knowledge on this; & next step would be probly a google on "why
> does /dev/input/mice work but /dev/mouse doesn't" or so  :|    .
> Btw, the lfs-6.5 kernel here just has all of the mouse/usb/&c&c stuff
> built-in: they're not loaded as modules.

Mine is set up the same as yours. I tried switching from
/dev/input/mice to /dev/mouse and it worked this time. I don't know
why it didn't the other time. It doesn't really matter now because it
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