On 11/20/2011 07:32 AM, luxInteg wrote:
> Greetings
> Suppose I have two  private IPv4-assigned  networks with addresses
> --network 1:- 10.255.255.y
> --network 2:- 172.31.255.x
> can I configure bind  (as per
> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/server/bind.html   )
> to do names resolutions for hosts in both subnets
> and if so how so (i.e. would it be
> a) a box with a single NIC ( and if so where  would this be placed)?  or
> b) a box with two NIC's connected to two ethernet switches  etc etc)
> advice would be much appreciated
> sincerely
> lux-integ

I'm not sure I understand your question. You can create as many zone 
files as you need. If you followed BLFS instructions, you run BIND in a 
chroot jail, and these paths are good. Simply add another zone entry to 
/srv/named/etc/named.conf, and a correct zone file. If you meant as far 
as how to configure bind...nothing to do if the machines have a route to 
the host, just make sure 53 UDP is allowed.

Configuration is similar to the following:

============= /srv/named/etc/named.conf snipit ================
  zone "litstest.com" {
     type master;
     file "fz/litstest.com.zone";
  zone "152.168.192.in-addr.arpa" {
      type master;
      file "pz/192.168.152.zone";

========== /srv/named/etc/namedb/fz/litstest.com.zone =========
[root@postal ~]# cat /srv/named/etc/namedb/fz/litstest.com.zone
; BIND db file for litstest.com

$TTL 86400

@       IN      SOA     ns1.litstest.com.      hostmaster.litstest.com. (
                         2008080601     ; serial number YYMMDDNN
                         28800           ; Refresh
                         7200            ; Retry
                         864000          ; Expire
                         86400           ; Min TTL

                 NS      ns1.litstest.com.

                 MX      10 maiamailguard.litstest.com.

$ORIGIN litstest.com.

ns1             IN      A
litstest.com.   IN      A
exchange        IN      A
maiamailguard   IN      A
www             IN      CNAME   exchange

========= /srv/named/etc/namedb/pz/192.168.152.zone ==========
@      IN      SOA     ns1.litstest.com. hostmaster.litstest.com. (
                         1       ; Serial
                         8H      ; Refresh
                         2H      ; Retry
                         4W      ; Expire
                         1D)     ; Minimum TTL
                 NS      ns1.litstest.com.
201             PTR     maiamailguard.litstest.com.
202             PTR     exchange.litstest.com.

-- DJ Lucas

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