On 06/22/2012 01:38 AM, Ken Moffat wrote:
>   Hi, the last time I reported on the part of gnome which I build in
> my normal desktop was in the days of 3.2.  At that time almost
> everything worked, but I was missing some icons from totem.
> Possibly I hadn't tested html5 after installixpgn totem, not sure.  I
> eventually discovered that building gnome-icon-theme-symbolic (after
> totem - a runtime dependency) provided those icons.
>   With 3.4, things are different.  I'm missing icons in gcalctool
> (clear and undo), epiphany (_all_ icons) and again in totem (i.e.
> the player control icons).  In addition, I noted that html5
> (youtube) playback in both firefox and epiphany was broken - a
> display which looks like the totem display, with one missing icon
> at bottom left, but clicking on the missing icon did nothing.
>   To be clear - when I say an icon is missing, I mean a white icon
> containing a red 'x' appears, instead of the correct pictorial
> image.
>   On a whim, I've tonight removed all the libtotem* plugins from
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins and html5 is again working :)
>   I first noticed this in April or May, and I've been searching for
> solutions without any success.  For my current system I've changed
> the build order to ensure *all* the icons are installed early, but
> that made no difference.
>   Unlike my 3.2 build where some things were in /etc/gnome, this time
> gnome is all built with --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc.
>   Also, these were both fresh installs on an empty system, not
> upgrades from previous gnome versions.
>   In the April/May build I added gnome-icon-theme- symbolic and
> extras after I saw the problem in gcalctool and epiphany.  Strangely,
> I have the impression that extra missing icons (i.e. 'x') then
> appeared in epiphany - my initial view of epiphany-3.4 had been
> extremely sparse!
>   I then looked at gcalctool.  Strace showed that it seemed to be
> looking in /usr/share/gnome/icons when all the icons were actually
> installed in /usr/share/icons/gnome.  So I added a symlink to
> ../icons/gnome but it didn't help.
>   Then I looked at the gcalctool code.  In data/buttons-basic.ui it
> was looking for edit-clear-symbolic and edit-undo-symbolic - both
> provided by -symbolic.  At that point I decided to leave this until
> my next build, and install all the icons earlier in case that
> helped.  It didn't.
>   Both of these are in /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/actions/
>   Meanwhile, I had seen reports in the icewm bugs list which implied
> that this might be a wm problem.  For me, the patch suggested didn't
> help.  I also tried with fluxbox, but again got missing icons.
> Tonight I've tried openbox, but still have missing icons.  So, I
> don't think the problem is in my choice of window manager.
>   At the time of my April/MAy build, I don't think polkit had been
> updated.  For the current build I've stuck with polkit-0.105 because
> I don't feel in any hurry to install SpiderMonkey.  To me, it seems
> unlikely that this is related to my problem, but I'll mention it
> anyway.
>   I suspect I'm either building things in the wrong order, or perhaps
> I've missed a package which is now required.  This mail is already
> somewhat long, and the highlights of my build order (i.e. those
> packages I think might be relevant) are *very* long - I'll attach
> them.  for 'LFS-sv' at the start, please read 'LFS-svn'.
>   Apart from the icons, and the unusability of the totem browser
> plugins, it all works well (with the possible exception of yelp :
> help in applications works correctly, including gimp-2.8 with the
> 2.8 help files that I commented on elsewhere - perhaps needed gvfs
> to get that working, but yelp itself displays:
>   The URI ‘help:gnome-help/index’ does not point to a valid page
> and to be honest I don't miss that!
>   But any suggestions for how to get these icons would be
> appreciated.  TIA
> ĸen

Run gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f /usr/share/icons/gnome and 
gtk-update-icon-cache -q -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor

Also, check if you have gdk-pixbuf svg loader installed in 
/usr/lib/gdk-pixbuf-2.0/2.10.0/loaders and if necesary, update loaders 
cache with gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders --update-cache

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