On Friday 02 August 2013 23:25:05 Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> lux-integ wrote:
> > On Friday 02 August 2013 19:23:43 Armin K. wrote:
> >> Try installing mailx
> > 
> > I have installed    postfix  which installs the executible
> > /usr/bin/sendmail,
> > so for installing mailx
> > http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/basicnet/mailx.html
> > do I need this line
> > make SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail ?
> I believe that's the default.  /usr/sbin/sendmail is installed by postfix.
I have installed both postfix and mailx as per the book and I still have the 
same error compiling atd.  It reports
" No mail command specified'  

I did a userdel -f -r (the user was created before mailx was installed ) then 
readded the user with a new directory/shell  etal.  But it made no differene 
atd-3.1.13 refuses to budge.

I look through configure --help for atd to see if there was an envar I could 
find to set $MAILcommand or some such but there is not one.

So I had a look at the sources 
######### excerpt from  atd.c
####------------------line 506
#if defined(SENDMAIL)
            execl(SENDMAIL, "sendmail", "-i", mailname, (char *) NULL);
#error      "No mail command specified."
            perr("Exec failed for mail command");

#####-------------------line 511

... And so  if you do this

export SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail

prior to running configire 
it  compiles
( perhaps you could add this to the blfs book )

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