On 30.11.2013 15:48, Dan McGhee wrote:
> There are many packages in BLFS whose purpose and functions I don't
> really understand.  Even when I try to learn about them the descriptions
> are cryptic and I still have questions.  Dbus is one of those.
> I've installed it because it was a dependency for either dhcpcd or
> wpa_supplicant.  But now that I have it, I want to make it "earn its
> keep."  I know that it allows one application to "talk" to another one,
> but that's the extent of my knowledge.
> While looking for something else, I discovered a configure switch in
> xorg-server--"--enable-config-dbus."  I'm thinking about re-building the
> server with this enabled.  What gain or advantage is there? Would

No. It's obsoleted by udev.

> someone please give me an example?  One thing that I thought of was it
> might be useful when I build network manager.  If my thinking is

That's only true for wpa_supplicant. NM uses DBus to communicate with it.

> correct, then network manager in graphics mode, xorg, my window manager
> and wpa_supplicant could all "talk back and forth" to one another.  Am I
> on the right track or is this over-simplified? Or is it irrelevant?  :)

XServer and DBus are no-go on Linux anymore. I believe that DBus was 
necessarry for communication with HAL (back in its days), but HAL is 
long obsolete on Linux.

> Thanks,
> Dan

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